Sunday, April 15, 2012

jewish without the judaism... can it work?

I'm a huge proponent of religious freedoms (and freedom from religion) so this article's headline attracted me:

"My Faith: Raising religious (but not too religious) children"

To the author, "Religion was an interesting idea more than a belief system."   The author, a mother in this case, decided that living as a secular Jew was not in the best interest of her children and decided to pass along a little more of the religious aspect of her culture to them.

I found the article interesting because in my opinion, children shouldn't be force fed religion and should choose what religion (if any) they will choose to follow. However, this  article presented a different side of religion--the cultural issues. Jewish people actually have a distinct culture attached to their beliefs so it's hard to differentiate teaching your child who they are and what they believe. In Judaism, they are quite intertwined.

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