Sunday, April 15, 2012

Black on White Crime is NOT equal to White on Black (?)

Black people in America seem to get very angry and band together when we are victims of White perpetrated crimes. But where is the disgust and anger when we badger, torment and/or kill White people?

Where's the banding together to ensure that those who committed the crimes (regardless of race) are arrested and charged? Also, why don't we get even more outraged about black on black crime? We are tearing ourselves apart. 

We as black people need to stop with this "us vs. them" attitude and start embracing that crimes perpetrated against any person are wrong. And yes, I understand that there are other people out there besides blacks that don't follow the law but, to quote Diddy, we can't change the world until we change ourselves.

CNN's LZ Granderson talkes more about his disappointment in Black culture here. It's a nice read.

What are your thoughts? Should black people care more about one crime than another? 

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