Sunday, April 15, 2012

mavericks in trouble ?

I'm a mega Dallas Mavericks fan and unfortunately, they haven't had the best season thus far but our leader Dirk Nowitzki is confident that the Mavs will get things turned around by the playoffs.

Mavericks' owner Mark Cuban is convinced that this team, though it is of a different composition, is not far off from the World Champion team of last year, mentally.

We'll see how it plays out.

Go Mavs!


Interested in getting flat abs by this summer? Well it sure took you a while (its errr.. April, right?) to decide that you wanted to look fit, but here's an article talking about things you can do to get the six pack abs.

However, instead of LOOKING fit, maybe you should try to actually BE fit. Do some running or some cardio and start getting in better shape, then you won't have to worry specifically about things like abs---it'll happen naturally.

Good luck.

philadelphia hockey

The Philadelphia Flyers put a whooping on the Pittsburgh Penguins---figuratively and literally speaking.
The Flyguys are now in control of the series, with a commanding 3-0 lead in the opening round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs.

If you weren't a hockey fan before watching this game, you may have turned into one. A lot of scoring, a lot of strategy, a lot of big hits and checks, tons of fights, palpable tension and genuine dislike between teams on he ice, and a roaring crowd in the stands. Ahhhh playoff hockey.

go flyguys.

Shockey Shocked by Sapp

Everyone that's following the NFL has heard about the Bounty Scandal and Sean Payton suspension (and denied appeal) but some of you may have missed that Warren Sapp, former NFL player and current analyst for NFL Network accussed Jeremy Shockey as being the whistleblower in the entire Bounty Scandal.

Well Shockey is fighting back. He wants the NFL to punish Sapp for his unwarranted (and still not proven)  comments.

What do you think? Was Shockey the snitch? And even so, should the NFL look into Sapp's comments? Maybe they have and realized he was telling the truth. Hmmm.. the possibilities

UCLA's Breslow passes

Dr. Lester Breslow was a pioneer in mathematically proving that making lifestyle changes would extend one's life expectancy. A public health leader, Dr. Breslow tried to provide people with proof that changing smoking, diet, and sleep habits would be medically beneficial.

Unfortunately, the good doctor passed away in his home last week at the age of 97. I guess he was doing something right.

To read more, go here.


Where does consciousness stop and unconsciousness begin? This is a question that scientists are trying to answer. Apparently, its not as clear cut as one would imagine.

Patients who's brain activity had been declared "unconscious" were able to respond to commands to open their eyes.

interesting read. check it out here.

lefties left out?

"Lefties Aren't Special After All"

In this article, the author goes on a long tangent about the specialty of left-handedness being over-exaggerated and lefties being no more special than righties. It's an interesting backwards take on a topic I didn't think was even an issue anymore.

What do you think? Should lefties be celebrated?

ice hockey thriving in chicago

I'm a basketball player by trade, through and through. But I started playing ice hockey for the first time in my entire life in late October of 2011. it was the first time I hit the ice, first time I smelled a rink up close. First time I dressed and first time I laced up. and it was the first time I fell in love with a sport.

Hockey is very difficult to learn. You may think its not because you see 6 year olds playing it but its very difficult to master. Not to mention the thought process behind the sport---the spacing of basketball, the objectives, placement, and setup of soccer, the intensity and violence of football all accelerated and intensified by the fact that they are on skates and can get up to incredible speeds that would be impossible on a field.
The whole sport is unnatural---skating, guiding a puck with a stick while elevated 6 inches off the ice, and using your hips to stop. But when you get it---you've got it. And that's why hockey is amazing.

These adult hockey camps are proof that the sport is attracting new fans everyday. If you've never given it a chance, why not do it today? Hockey Never Stops.

anti- kirk cameron coalition

So, Kirk Cameron doesn't think homosexuals are very positive influences on children and their lifestyle is very unnatural. Kirk Cameron, former child TV star, also thinks his opinion on the topic is important.

Hilariously, a coalition of former famous children TV stars has formed (...was that an alliteration?)  called CCOKC, Child Celebrities against Kirk Cameron (not sure where the "O" comes in) and decided to challenge Kirk Cameron's beliefs.

I support gay rights by all means, but please, don't these people have anything else to do? Oh wait. They don't.

Suing the NFL for Head Injuries

About 700 former NFL players are suing the National Football League over concussion-related injuries. I don't really understand the concept of suing the NFL for incurring repeated concussions but after reading the article I gained a little insight.

Apparently, the plaintiffs say the NFL was aware that players risked permanent brain damage if they played too soon after a concussion but did not inform the players or stop them from returning to play.

The plaintiffs want punitive damages, financial compensation, and payment for medical treatment but they would also like the league to take care of all former NFL players regardless of whether they were listed as plaintiffs on the lawsuit.

It's an interesting case---how can the players prove the NFL knew the risks?

Black on White Crime is NOT equal to White on Black (?)

Black people in America seem to get very angry and band together when we are victims of White perpetrated crimes. But where is the disgust and anger when we badger, torment and/or kill White people?

Where's the banding together to ensure that those who committed the crimes (regardless of race) are arrested and charged? Also, why don't we get even more outraged about black on black crime? We are tearing ourselves apart. 

We as black people need to stop with this "us vs. them" attitude and start embracing that crimes perpetrated against any person are wrong. And yes, I understand that there are other people out there besides blacks that don't follow the law but, to quote Diddy, we can't change the world until we change ourselves.

CNN's LZ Granderson talkes more about his disappointment in Black culture here. It's a nice read.

What are your thoughts? Should black people care more about one crime than another? 


Does the word "secretary" mean anything to you? Does it make you cringe or does it leave you unaffected?

Well apparently, the word is somewhat demeaning, and unreflective of the professional duties required by the position. Enter the word: "administrative assistant".

Warren Buffet's secretary, Debbie Bosanek, doesn't seem to mind still being called a secretary. And most people would agree that its just a cultural gap---older people don't have a problem using words that used to be okay until we (the younger generation) deemed they were unfit for circulation. And who says older people should have to change what they've been doing?

Stand Your Ground, says Grandmom

If you've been following the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman saga, you've heard the words "Stand Your Ground" used multiple times. But do you know where the law came from?

Meet her here: Marion Hammer. 

She's a 70 year old woman with a chip on her shoulder and a gun drawn. She's been a great shot for years and was a leader in creating the 2005 controversial Stand Your Ground law. The law was cited as the reason that George Zimmerman was not immediately arrested and charged for the Martin shooting. Proponents of the law call it the "Make My Day" law and think it levels the playing field while opponents say it brings about vigilantism.

Marion flashed her weapon once when she was a younger woman and it stopped several men from attacking her. That is the reason she is so adamant about the Second Amendment.

Where do you think you would be without the right to bear arms?

jewish without the judaism... can it work?

I'm a huge proponent of religious freedoms (and freedom from religion) so this article's headline attracted me:

"My Faith: Raising religious (but not too religious) children"

To the author, "Religion was an interesting idea more than a belief system."   The author, a mother in this case, decided that living as a secular Jew was not in the best interest of her children and decided to pass along a little more of the religious aspect of her culture to them.

I found the article interesting because in my opinion, children shouldn't be force fed religion and should choose what religion (if any) they will choose to follow. However, this  article presented a different side of religion--the cultural issues. Jewish people actually have a distinct culture attached to their beliefs so it's hard to differentiate teaching your child who they are and what they believe. In Judaism, they are quite intertwined.

collegiate athletics --- a paradox?

There's a few things I really enjoy talking about. Sports, music, and accounting. (I know, pretty boring, right?)

Collegiate sports is such a great topic because the intensity with which the players compete, and the pride that they ooze out on the court, field, track, and ice is amazing. As with everything, there is good and bad and with collegiate sports comes the controversy of the "student-athlete".

The NCAA touts that its student-athletes are students first but schools constantly contradict that by allowing the athletes (which help contribute millions of dollars to their respective universities) to take (meaningless) majors with low eventual profitability and/or low difficulty. For example, this article I read today, claims that big-time schools' Athletic Departments ask teachers to basically 'take it easy' on the athletes in their class. By doing this, schools are telling their athletes: "We couldn't care less about your academic composition and development and after you graduate, we don't care what happens to you. But thanks for putting kids in the stands for us." NCAA, why say you hold them to the same standards as other students if you know that you really don't?

So here's the paradoxical issue: if the NCAA wants them to be students first---make them students. Put them in classrooms (and monitor their attendance) and challenge them! Help them succeed and hold them truly accountable. BUT! There's another obvious side to this. There are some collegiate athletes who don't really plan on using the college tools and really just want to use the college level as a springboard to the big league, which is perfectly fine. And if this is the case---the NCAA NEEDS TO ADMIT THEY ARE NOT FULL-TIME STUDENTS. Allow them to take "phony" classes, skip as many as they'd like, and treat their sport as their full time employment.

The NCAA cant have it both ways. You can't treat a student like a superstar athlete with little classroom obligation and then portend to say 'education comes first.' The only thing that matters to the NCAA are the dollar signs.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Dear Catholic Church, Get Over Yourself. Signed, America

The Roman Catholic Church says they're getting picked on. What's new?

The American Bishops have decided to launch a new initiative to protect the rights of their religious freedoms. They claim that recent issues in American culture and government practices have encroached upon the precious rights that are granted to Roman Catholics throughout these United States. As we read in the news about which things are bothering the Church and disrespecting the Church's rights, I sit and wonder when the Church will stop disrespecting the rights of American Women by limiting control of our own reproductive organs, and when the Church will stop treating homosexuals as second class citizens. Where's their initiative for that?

What type of issues are bothering the Catholic Church? Well, of course the usual---rampant homosexuality, same-sex marriages--but lately its women's rights, availability of free contraception coverage that have been bothering them.

"Religious liberty is under attack, both home and abroad," American bishops said on Thursday in their document which is titled "Our first, most cherished freedom."

So let's talk about the backdrop story: After the United States attempted to amend a version of its Affordable Health Care Act requiring employers, not insurance companies, to pay for contraceptive coverage---hoping to appease the Catholic groups who objected to Catholic entities (colleges, hospitals, etc) having to fund contraception coverage, The Roman Catholic Church says: No Dice. It's not good enough. And honestly, I can see their displeasure. However, acting as if they are the little guy that's getting trampled on by legislation as they lead hundreds rallies and charges every year to make abortion illegal and limit women's rights is a bit sideways to me.

Another side to the story: The Catholic Church has had several Catholic foster care and adoption services put out of business because those entities REFUSED to place children with gay couples or unmarried straight couples. Because of this adamant discrimination, public/government funds cannot be given to the Catholic child services entities and thus, the services have failed. What happened to 'beggars can't be choosy?' I'm willing to bet the $23.75 in my checking account that every single one of those kids would have been better off in a home with a family rather than in an orphanage. Where are there priorities? Are they so caught up in believing the immorality of homosexuality and cohabitation that the children can't get a chance to get a family? (And anybody that comments that unmarried people shouldn't be able to adopt because they can break up at any time which will cause stress to the child, please see Divorce Rates and then get back to me.)

See here an article posted on the Right Wing News website that headlines: "Homosexual Agenda Used to Close Catholic Adoption Services" noting in the article that Catholicism is one of the last "roadblocks on the road to totalitarianism" and thus, liberals use the corroding "obscene travesty of homosexual marriage" to attack it. So, anyone defending their freedoms that are "under attack",  has an ulterior motive to undermine the Catholic Church? Excuse me while I gag.

So, finally, this initiative is going to be "extensive and it's going to be occurring over a few years," and it will include urging priests to individually speak out in favor of religious freedoms and including inserts in church bulletins.

"The encroachment upon the rights of Catholic Americans is a plight that must be ended immediately, says American Bishops. "This is not a Catholic issue," the statement released by the Bishops said, "This is not a Jewish issue. This is not an Orthodox, Mormon or Muslim issue. It is an American issue."

Well, they seem to be the only ones crying about their rights as they step on others. So, yeah, I'd say its a Catholic issue.

What are your thoughts?

north korea stirring up trouble

Yesterday, North Korea made headlines by launching (albeit, botched) long-range missile. The United Nations will meet today and discuss what actually occurred. Also, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon warned North Korea not to do anything to further provoke the world community and or heighten an already increased tension.  While the United States (along with South Korea and Japan) sees this missile launch as a long-range ballistic missile test, North Korea says the missile was designed to carry an observation satellite into orbit. Only time will tell how this will play out. Hopefully, North Korea doesn't plan a huge aggressive move to save face.