Wednesday, March 28, 2012

gas prices not looking up. or are they?

With gas topping off at $3.90 a gallon, I thank God for the existence of the Saint Joseph's University shuttle because I haven't driven my car in days.

Speaking of days, the average price of a gallon gas has steadily risen for the 19 (NINETEEN!!) days. What's the cause for these apocalyptic rising gas prices? Soaring oil prices.... This occurred when fears that tensions with Iran could lead to an all out war. Advocates of using the Keystone XL pipeline that runs from Canadian oil fields to the Midwest say that the pipeline will bring more oil into the United States and lower prices. However, many experts say the pipeline won't give much impact at the pump and may even raise prices.

It's getting to the point where I have to decide whether I'm going to put gas in my tank or eat for the rest of the week. Something's gotta give.

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