Tuesday, February 14, 2012

CEO = M.E.E.T.I.N.G.S.

Just finished going over an interesting read that showed a study on the workweek of the average corporate CEO. The study found that CEOs for the most part spend 18 hours of a 55-hour work week in meetings and about 4 hours taking phone and conference calls---just when you thought being a CEO was tough work....

The report also infers that having a CFO or COO makes it a bit easier on the CEO--he/she can afford to miss a few hours of meetings because they will fill him/her in.

Business school researchers say the amount of meeting time isn't surprising because the main function of a CEO is to "manage employees and meet with customers and consultants."

Well, maybe I should rethink my career future.... 18 hours of sitting in meetings is quite daunting. I get bored to death after 5 minutes of watching a group presentation.

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